We will provide safe and high performance ultra-high pressure devices that meet your needs.|PRETECH CO., LTD.

SSRT Testing Machine under Low-Temperature/ High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas Atmosphere HPH2SS-126HC


This testing machine is a device that performs the SSRT (slow strain-rate tensile) test in high-pressure hydrogen gas from room temperature to low-temperature.

●The pressure can be boosted up to 120 MPa or 60 MPa by a gas compressor from a commercial hydrogen and argon gas cylinder of 14.7 MPa.
●Since this device is operated remotely by a personal computer, it is possible to perform the tests safely.
●The load is up to 100 kN and strain-rate can be tested up to 10-6/s using a speed control device.
●The test can be tested at a test temperature range of -100 °C to +40 °C in a high-pressure hydrogen gas atmosphere at a test pressure of 120 MPa.
●The test can be tested at a test temperature range of -150 °C to +40 °C in a high-pressure hydrogen gas atmosphere at a test pressure of 60 MPa.
Main Specifications
Test Machine ①
PressureMax. : 120 MPa   Operate : 115 MPa
Temperature range-100 °C to +40 °C  Operate: -100 °C
Vessel dimensionsø60 × L450 mm
Test Machine ②
PressureMax. : 60 MPa   Operate : 55 MPa
Temperature range-150 °C to +40 °C Operate: -150 °C
Vessel dimensionsø80 × L450 mm
ConfigurationsCylinder unit, Compressor unit, Valve unit, Test vessel
SSRT testing machine frame, Control system