We will provide safe and high performance ultra-high pressure devices that meet your needs.|PRETECH CO., LTD.

Resonant Fatigue Testing Machine under High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas Environment HPH2RFTS-140


The fatigue test can be performed within a few days up to 107 cycles level under high-pressure hydrogen gas environment.

●By reproducing the production wave by the function of transfer function control (RFC control software), it can reproduce the target acceleration or production wave within 2 % of RMS error rate (FS).
●It is possible to keep the hydrogen gas temperature in the test pressure vessel constant within the range of -50 °C ~ +300 °C.
Main Specifications
PressureMax. : 140 MPa   Operate: 139 MPa
Temperature range-50 °C to +300 °C Operate: -50 °C to +300 °C
Vessel dimensionsø100 × L300 mm
Excitation capacity±20 kN (±10 mm)
ConfigurationsFatigue Testing Machine, Test vessel
Temperature control system, Control system